Your recycling is needed!

I hope everyone from Room 8 has had a relaxing half term and a not so stressful first week back, ready for the Christmas push! Just a quick message asking for help from any parents. As part of our ‘healthy me’ topic in PSHE, I would love the children to investigate what the food labels actually mean on daily household foods.

In order to do this investigation, I would really appreciate it if you could have a rummage in your recycling boxes  for…

  • 500g cereal boxes (Rice Krispies, Coco Pops, Cheerios etc)
  • Any 2l fizzy drinks bottles
  • Any 500ml fizzy drinks bottles
  • Snack wrappers
  • Chocolate bar wrappers (family size or those big bags of M&M’s, malteasers etc)

All food needs a bar code on so I can scan it. Thank you for your co-operation.


Mrs Davies (aka Miss Evans!)