Year 6 – Week 2

I hope you’ve all had a lovely week.

This week we have completed a full set of old SATs papers.  This has helped all children to see what they are like and hopefully realise they are very similar to the tests they will have completed many times before in Year 5 and in previous years.  It also has allowed me to see what they are confident with and they areas where we need to focus on this year.  They have all worked really hard and tried their best.

This week your child has been given a set of spellings, there will also be a set in school for them to practise each day.  A spelling test will take place on a Friday each week so please encourage your child to practise their spellings at home.  Week 2 spellings

Please also encourage your child to read as often as possible – we have a wonderful selection of books in our class so if they appear reluctant, please encourage them to speak to us and we can help to recommend a better suited book.

On Tuesday next week, any children who wish to put themselves forward to be a ‘House Captain’ will be able to introduce themselves to the school in assembly.  If your child has not already completed a form or prepared their speech I have attached the form below.

House Captain Application

Finally, in science we are leaning about light and we would like to make a quick periscope next week so if you are able to send a cereal box into school for next Thursday’s science lesson that would be great.

Thank you.

Mrs Hilditch