Year 6 Transition to Mary Webb Information

Please read the attached letter from Mrs Mould regarding your child’s transition to Mary Webb.
Y6 parent update June 2020
You should have received a request for some paperwork from Mary Webb. This included a green data collection form and a really important form for the children to fill in themselves. This is very important and should be completed and returned as soon as possible (the letter included a stamped addressed envelope). I am attaching the blank form for the children here, in case anybody’s has gone astray!
Learning Plan

There is an awful lot of work and conversations going on behind the scenes at the moment. I have spoken to many members of the Y7 transition team to tell them all about your child and we are working together to make sure that they have support through their transition, albeit virtually! The role of parents in preparing our children from this transition it key. Please don’t underestimate how much your active involvement in their move from primary to secondary will count. This is even more true as we find ourselves unable to gather together as a year group and discuss the questions they have. Please make time to talk to them about how they are feeling about their move to Mary Webb and see if they have any questions they would like answers to; I have encouraged them to email me or to add questions to our Google Classroom stream.

Here is a message for the Y6 children:

Dear Y6 student,

I do hope this message finds you and your family well. We have lots of exciting plans for you to get to know about your new school. I have been talking to your Y6 teacher and we will be able to do lots of the transition activities…but in a virtual way.

I sent you a Learning Plan in the post to complete – have you sent it back to me? There was a stamped addressed envelope in there to help you. It’s important I get this to know a bit more about you and for you to tell me the people you work well with so I can create form groups and teaching classes.

In the last week of June, I will send you a pack of transition activities. You can open this pack on 29th June. Your Y6 teacher will be able to support you with this – they will also send you a link to a video tour of the school. I hope we will answer lots of your questions through this video. All Y6 will be doing this in the same week so you can chat to your friends about it all.

In the meantime, I hope you have found a positive routine. Some of you will be going back to school and some of you will still be learning at home. We look forward to working with you and I will be in touch again soon.

Stay well.

Mrs Mould

Head of Personalised Learning and Transition at Mary Webb School and Science College