New Year 6 Bubble(s): Updated!

From 22 June 2020 we will be opening a Year 6 bubble and hope to accommodate all our Year 6 children who are not currently attending under the key worker offer. This will be full time Monday to Friday; details of the start and finish time will be shared later this week. If you would like your child to walk themselves to and/or from school independently please email us to make clear your wishes and to give your permission.

In order to plan for this, we need to know as soon as possible and no later than Tuesday 16 June (12 o’clock) if you will be sending your child. Please reply to a school text stating Y6 YES or Y6 NO (so we know what you are replying to).

Whilst we are trying to be as flexible as possible, if you say NO now it may not be possible to add your child in at a later date in the term. We recognise this is still a difficult decision and will accept whatever decision you make is right for your family.

If your child is already attending in a key worker bubble you need not send us a message. Unfortunately, we are not currently able to move children from their key worker bubble into another bubble. We are also not in a position to increase the days that children attending key worker care are offered.

Frequently Asked Questions
1. Will children in school get additional support with transition to secondary school?
Children in school and children working at home will have access to the same transition resources. There will not be special meetings for those in school. All the transition work will be set on the school website and all children should be able to access this whether in school or at home.

2. Will work still be set for Y6s who are working at home?
Yes. All children will be working from the work set on the school website – from now until the end of term we are following the themed week work. Staff in school will support children in working through the tasks set on the website. This work will be on the Room 8 page of the website. It will not be on Google Classroom any more.

3. Will social distancing be in place in school?
Children are expected to maintain 2 metre distance from adults in school. They are sat in spaces and expected to stay at their own table throughout the week. They will have a special playtime ‘zone’ and time, which means that they do not meet up with other bubbles in school. We encourage them to maintain sensible distances between themselves and other children whilst outside at playtimes. However, the government guidance recognises that it is not possible for children at primary school to maintain strict 2m distances throughout the day.

4.Will any zoom or online tours for transition be made available for children at home?
Mary Webb will be sharing more details about their ‘virtual’ transition arrangements in the very near future. I know there are plans for a video to help the children picture moving around the school and will update you with more details as soon as I can. I can reassure parents that Mary Webb have worked extremely hard to compensate for the lack of physical visits. Those children not transferring to Mary Webb will have received emails from me with details about their transition arrangements.
5. Will any teachers from Mary Webb be coming over to primary school to be introduced to the children? 
6. Will the children in school at any point be heading over to Mary Webb for a socially distanced look around? 
No. The current restrictions that primary and secondary schools are operating under does not make this possible.
7. Will year 6 children be expected to be back full time If our reply is yes? Will there be any flexibility to choose days/times?
We expect children returning to this new Y6 bubble/Y6 bubbles to return on a full time basis. The logistics of staffing bubbles with fluctuating numbers make it very difficult for us to be flexible in this respect.
8.Will we fined etc by the authorities for not sending our child back into school?
9. Can we remove our child if (s)he isn’t comfortable once back in?   
We would obviously prefer people to discuss this with their child and make a firm commitment before returning. We will be moving furniture, gathering individual resource packs and organising staffing based on the numbers we are expecting. However, we understand that these are very difficult times and a lot of people will be dealing with anxiety about returning to school.
10. Will children in Y6 who are currently attending as a key worker child go into the new Y6 bubble(s)?
No. We need to maintain their bubble now it is established. There is a slight possibility they may be grouped together with a different adult (e.g. the Y6s who have been with Mr Morris may become a discrete Y6 bubble with an adult) but they will not be able to mix with a newly established bubble.
11. Will my child be with Mrs Rowe?
We cannot guarantee this. Some of the children will work with Mrs Rowe but we cannot have all of the Y6s in one bubble. This means that some children will be in a bubble with a different member of staff. These bubbles will not mix at playtime or lunchtime.
12. Will all the returning Y6s be in one bubble?
No. Unless we have a very low uptake of places, we will need to split the group into at least two new bubbles. (see above)