Year 6 Arthog Residential Visit for this September 2021

Following on from previous very successful visits, the residential visit for Year 6s in September 2021 will take place at the Arthog Outdoor Education Centre near Fairbourne. I have been leading visits here since 1999 and its reputation is excellent. It offers the opportunities for ‘real’ experiences, for example: 

 Rock climbing on the sea cliffs followed by beach combing along the seashore. 

  • Team building is incorporated into each activity, whether mountain walking, high rope activities, or water based activities.  
  • To achieve the John Muir Award 

 Arthog has an exemplary record of providing outdoor opportunities for its pupils in a safe, yet challenging environment. It provides a wonderful start to the children’s final year at primary school and memories which will live with them for the rest of their lives. It provides the perfect opportunity for children to become more independent, resilient and self-confident. 

 We have made a booking for Monday 13th to Friday 17th September 2021 which has just been confirmed.  The cost of the visit is £305 (which includes transport and all equipment including waterproofs, walking boots and a rucksack). 

Due to the short notice, and that families have previously felt it would have been less of a financial burden if they could have spread the cost over a longer period, we are suggesting the following payment plan over 9 months (which will mean payments will still being made after this September’s residential visit but is the only way to spread the payments for you). The payment plan can be paid by cash, cheque or via School Money. 


Instalment 1     £25  1st July 2021 – non-refundable 
Instalment 2  £35  1st August 2021 
Instalment 3  £35  1st September 2021 
Instalment 4  £35  1st October 2021 
Instalment 5  £35  1st November 2021 
Instalment 6  £35  1st December 2021 
Instalment 7  £35  1st January 2022 
Instalment 8  £35  1st February 2022 
Instalment 9  £35  1st  March 2022 

Please complete both the school reply slip and the Arthog consent form and return to school as soon as possible to confirm you would like your child to be a part of this incredible experience.  Please keep this letter and the Kit List for your own reference. 

If you do not wish to follow the payment plan, please note the £25 initial (non-refundable) deposit will still be due on Monday 19th July 2021 at the very latest please, with the full balance due by 1st March 2022 (although you can pay it off as soon as you wish, if you’d prefer).  

Consent_Form 2021
