Year 6 and social media

Dear Parents,

I am writing to you with regards growing concerns surrounding pupils in Year 6 using social media (at this time Snapchat) and the use of inappropriate and threatening behaviour. Whilst this is happening out of school, our ultimate concern is the wellbeing and safety of all our pupils with the added fact that this may spill over into school life.

Going forward, our goal is to ensure that pupils are respectful and safe at all times. In school, this is underpinned through teaching a rigorous PSHE and computing programme which also includes e-safety and ‘getting on/falling out’/maintaining healthy relationships.

The minimum age for using Snapchat is 13 years old (which no Year 6 child is). As a school, safeguarding our children is of paramount importance. Children using their phones unregulated on age inappropriate apps/social media is a significant safeguarding concern. We are bound to investigate any concerns which would lead to other agency involvement.

With this in mind, I would appreciate your support through the following actions:

  • Discuss with your child how and when they are using their devices.
  • Talk openly with your child regarding the benefits and risks associated with social media.
  • Review apps that are being used and their age ratings.
  • Follow guidance on parental controls that can be put in place to further support monitoring and usage of devices and apps (if required).
  • Discuss with your child about how they conduct themselves online and the lasting impressions this can give.

Please visit our Internet Safety Page. In addition, please visit the NSPCC website which provides details of age ratings etc.

If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for your cooperation.


Mr Lowrie-Herz