Year 4 Home Learning 6 December 2021


Understanding the relationship between time and how we can convert from one unit of time to another.

Busy Ants Worksheet 48

Children need to use their knowledge of multiplication from last week to help solve the problems.


We are looking at the speech by the Chieftain and today thinking about how she would answer the following questions.

Children need to take the role of the Chieftain and answer these questions:

  1. How effective was my speech?
  2. Did you write the speech down?
  3. Did you practise the speech?
  4. How did you connect with the people?
  5. Why did you choose to use so many ellipses?
  6. Why did I ask so many questions in my speech?
  7. Would I consider my speech to be formal or informal?
  8. Do you think the villagers will follow me? Why?

(You may only do about half of these as you can continue this tomorrow)


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