Year 3 Camp

Our PPS Year 3 Camp is next Thursday and Friday!

Please can children come to school in their adventure gear and with all of their kit. They will have a ‘normal’ school day on Thursday and then camp will begin.

At the end of the school day, on Thursday, children will go out to the school field and meet the camp leaders. They will make camp, enjoy activities, have tea, prep for bedtime and have a good night’s sleep (hopefully).

On Friday, we will have breakfast and then spend the day having fun with different activities, ending with the children returning home at normal time.

Mrs Crane, Miss Gwilliam and Miss Cooper will be with the children throughout the day (normal school hours). Myself and Mrs Andrew will be staying on-site overnight alongside a night watchperson who will be awake/up all night for any issues (they will wake me or Mrs Andrew if needed).

Children have been allocated to a tent based on who they would like to share with (we will let the children know this next week).

Any concerns or questions, please ask.