Year 1 muddy shoes!

To all Year 1/Room 5 parents,

You have no doubt noticed that the Key Stage 1 playground is very wet and muddy at the moment and that your child is coming home covered in mud splashes! I am aware that there are lots of lovely, not to mention expensive, school shoes which are going to spoil as a result of constant mud/cleaning. Therefore, we feel that it would be a good idea for the children to bring in a change of footwear for breaktimes in order to save their school shoes. This could be a pair of casual trainers, an older pair of shoes or boots. Anything really that you do not mind getting muddy or wet. Please can we ask though that you avoid laces unless your child is able to tie them independently!

Please make sure your child arrives in school wearing school shoes as normal, and that any spare shoes that they bring in have their name in and are ideally in a bag. They will then change into these before going outside for playtime.

Many thanks for your support,

Mrs Garcia