Y5 home learning 24 November 2021


Plan a brochure for a trip to the moon.

You will need to use the brochures you have seen this week to help you.

You can do this either as a normal space mission or be imaginative with what the moon could offer. E.g. Moon buggy rides, moon-cheese tasting, meet an alien etc.

Remember to include the features you have seen this week e.g. sub headings, persuasive vocabulary, possessive apostrophes.

You will draft this and write it up tomorrow and Friday.


Today, we are solving word problems using multiplication and division using the skills you have learned this week.

PDF of the above maths worksheets


We’re looking at apostrophes tomorrow for contraction and possession. The children at home could go onto BBC Bitesize to watch the videos and complete the quiz on both:

How to use apostrophes in contractions – BBC Bitesize

How to use possessive apostrophes – BBC Bitesize

Reading Comprehension

We are finding out about Sir Isaac Newton by completing this reading comprehension. There are three levels here please choose the one that will challenge you the most.

Sir Isaac Newton Comprehension 1 & Questions

Sir Isaac Newton Comprehension 2 & Questions

Sir Isaac Newton Comprehension 3 & Questions


For PE today the class are doing circuits.

So why not do a workout with Joe Wicks at home!

The Joe Wicks School Workout – YouTube



Find out about ‘day and night’ and write a short explanation about it.

You can use the DKFindout website and BBC Bitesize for your research

Earth’s Orbit | Earth’s Orbit Around The Sun | DK Find Out

Day and night – KS2 Science – BBC Bitesize


Reading and times tables

Please read quietly/to someone.

Please practise your times tables – you could use Times Tables Rock Stars for this.