Welcome to Year 5

Dear Parents,

Welcome to Year 5 and Room 7. I am really looking forward to teaching this class as they were the first class I met at Pontesbury when they were in Reception. I have closely watched their progress and delighted to be teaching them.

I like all of the children to know what is going to be happening in the class as I feel this helps calm any nerves. To help with this I include the Overview planning 1st half term. This lets you know what we will be covering over the next few weeks. For more detail for some subjects I have included the following: History Overview, ICT Overview, Music Overview, PSHE Overview, RE Overview and Science Overview. Each of these may change slightly overtime.

In order to help your child I would be really happy if you could help them learn their times tables. Ideally they should know ALL of their times tables by the end of Year 4. I like the site Times tables as it enables the children to practise any table in and out of order.

Another skill the children will ideally know is how to tell the time. If they don’t then please help them with this. I know this is a difficult concept and to show how hard this can be you might want to look at this link from comedian Dave Allen. A site that can help the children is telling the time site. There are lots of activities here.

During Year 5 and 6 the children have a list of spellings they need to be able to spell. These will come up in spelling tests and will be expected to be used in written activities. Their time in these two years will go very quickly and so help with spellings will be appreciated. The list of words is here.

The children will be given new emails and login details when they return to school as we have had a new system introduced. When I have been given their details they will be able to login to edplace. The user name is Room7 and the password Pontesbury1. This site allows the children to work on topics for maths, English and science at any level from Year 1 to Year 11. Topics are explained then completed online. If answers are incorrect the correct answers are explained. This really is a tremendous site.

In class this year I will be supported by Mrs Howland and Miss Lewis. On some occasions Mrs Green will also be in the class.

Hopefully it will be a fantastic year for all of us with NO interruptions. I am a great believer that children will do better when there is a close link between home and school. To help with this my email is Nigel.Morris@ppce.co.uk. If you have any questions then please get in touch. If you would just like to drop me an email to tell me a bit more about your child I will welcome that too.

Many thanks, Mr Morris