Welcome to Transition Week!

Moving from Year 4 to Year 5

Dear Room 6,

I am really excited to be your teacher next year and can’t wait to hear from you this week as we spend some time getting to know one another for transition week!

My email address is: Rowe.B@pontesbury.shropshire.sch.uk and you can use this to email me any photographs of work you have done, if you would like to. You can also email me if you would like to ask me questions about next year. I might not always know the answers, but I will try and answer your questions to the best of my ability.

Each day I will be setting you something English related, some Maths (we will carry on using White Rose daily lessons but I might sneak some extras in too!) and something for you to do in the afternoons.

I hope you all have a fantastic week!
Mrs Rowe x

I have put this picture here in case you have forgotten what I look like! It has been a few weeks…it is also a bit of a clue about one of my FAVOURITE things to do. Can you work out what it is? Hint: it is not sitting in a field!