Welcome to the last half term

The two years I have taught my current class have whizzed by. We now enter the last half term for the children at Pontesbury Primary School before they start their next academic chapter.

Tomorrow I will post an overview of the work for the next seven weeks. (It is on a file at school so I can’t post it today). This will be open to alterations, as circumstances change, but it will give you an idea of what we will be covering.

Over the last two years the children have been working on learning the Spelling word list by the end of Year 6. This half term their weekly spelling test will be on any of the words from this list. Some words may appear in more than one test.

I hope the children enjoy their last half term but please be aware that for some children this can prove to be an emotional time so you may notice some changes in some of them from time to time. This is completely normal as they start to realise they will be leaving one school where they are the oldest and moving to a new school where they will be the youngest.

If you have any questions or concerns over the next seven weeks please do get in touch. Either email me at Morris.N@pontesbury.shropshire.sch.uk or pop by my door at the end of the school day.

Have a super Sunday and I look forward to seeing the children tomorrow.

Mr Morris