Welcome to Summer Term (second half!)

Hello everybody!
I hope you have all had a chance to enjoy the amazing sunshine over half-term. I am looking forward to hearing from you all over the next week as we begin another half term of learning at home for many people. I am hoping to speak to everybody on the phone next week – don’t be surprised if you get a phone call!

Some Y6s are coming back into school on 1st June – you will be mostly be doing the same learning that the children working from home are doing. If you are working from home, please don’t think I have forgotten you; it might take me longer to respond to emails (because I will be working with children in school every day) but I will get there! You might notice that work goes onto the school website a bit later but I will always try to get it on the website the night before and it will be scheduled to appear in the new google classroom (I have emailed everybody an invite) at 8am each morning.

Mary Webb Transition

I hope you have all received and filled in your Mary Webb form (there was an important green form for your parents to fill in and the individual learning plan that you needed to complete). It is important you do this as soon as possible and get it to Mary Webb so they can start to organise your tutor groups for September. If you have any particular questions you would like to ask about moving to Mary Webb, please email me (Rowe.B@pontesbury.shropshire.sch.uk).

We will be joining in with a ‘transition week’ in the week beginning 29th June. This will be done virtually but we will all get involved and I will help everybody as much as possible. As soon as I have more information, I will share it with you!