Welcome back! Some changes to our week

We are really looking forward to seeing you all next week. I wanted to let you know of a couple of changes to our timetable before Monday comes!

For the next few weeks, Room 5 will be doing Forest School every Monday morning. This will be starting this coming Monday (8th March) so please can children come to school dressed in clothes that you don’t mind getting wet and muddy? They will also need wellies and coats. They will need to bring their school uniforms with them so they can change later on. I would suggest bringing these in a plastic carrier bag which they can then use to put the clothes they have been wearing for Forest School in.

PE will now be on a Tuesday afternoon.

Please make sure you have read the post on the school website about arrangements for returning to school and the start/end of the day. Please ensure that all coats and water bottles are named clearly.

I’m sure lots of you are feeling quite nervous about coming back after such a long time away. That’s completely normal. It will feel a bit strange to start with, but within a few minutes it’ll feel like you’ve never been away!

See you all on Monday!