Welcome back!

Hi everyone!

How have you all been? And who has eaten all their Easter eggs up already?!

I hope you all had a super Easter break. Welcome to a new term. We’ll carry on as we did last term with me posting activities on this page. I know that lots of parents like the structure of the times I give, so I will carry on with the same format. Here’s an overview of what’s on the planning for the first part of the Summer term.

Science: Plants – parts of a plant and how they grow, identifying trees and plants

Geography: Getting to know more about Pontesbury and the local area, and understanding where we are in the world

Art and Design: Landscapes; collage of the environment and the local area

Computing: Creating comics

RE: Stories which tell how the world began – from Christian and Sikh teachings in particular

PSHE: Money, careers and having aspirations

Music: Exploring sounds and pitch

DT: Eating more fruit and veg

PE: This would have been athletics with Crossbar and dance with me!