Welcome back

I hope everyone has had a fantastic holiday. I am looking forward to seeing all of the children back on Wednesday. Our PE days this term will be Tuesday and Thursday so please send children in PE kits these days (this has changed since my original post two days ago – sorry).

So that you have an idea of what is happening the next few weeks I have attached the Overview planning 1st half term. This shows what we are covering for all of the subjects. There may be alterations to this throughout the half term. You can see more detailed planning for History Medium Term Planning, ICT Medium Term Planning, PSHE Medium Term Planning, RE (Islam) Medium Term Planning and Science Medium Term Planning. I hope this helps.

These links will also b put on the information tab.

If your child has to self isolate at all they will be able to access all lessons live.

Next term, I am intending to start a club for adults after school. This will be for maths skills. If you ever wondered about the different approaches to maths compared to when you were in school you will be able you will be able to find out. More details will follow.

If you have any questions then please get in touch.
