Wednesday morning 6.5.20

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Hi everyone. Here are the activities for Wednesday morning:

8.45 – 9.00: Practise spellings

9.00 – 9.05: Wake Up Shake Up

9.05 – 10.00: Maths

Today’s maths is all about comparing and ordering numbers. It might be a good idea to count in ones all the way to 30 and back before doing today’s sheet. Some children may need to look at the numbers as they count – it’s absolutely fine if they do! I have attached a 100 square for you to use to help: HundredSquare

Here is today’s sheet to complete. Have a read of the instructions at the bottom of it before you start: BusyAnt_y1_u9_w1_PG_E3

For anyone wanting to further practise ordering numbers, this is a great game with which most of the children are familiar: Please don’t do the levels that involve three digit numbers, minus numbers or decimals, as this will confuse the children!

10.00 – 10.15: Break

10.15 – 11.00: English

Have a watch of this short video that emphasises the use of ‘Once upon a time’ in fairy tales: You can also see how many of the stories you can name as you watch.

Next, put the cards together so that you have sentences that make sense and put the sentences in the correct order to retell the story of The Three Little Pigs. If this story was written in a book though, and in past tense, what would be the very first sentence to start the story? (Once upon a time there lived three little pigs. Or similar!) Can you write your own opening sentence for the story. Now think about the ending. How do fairy tales end? On a bad note?! Or with ‘And they all live/lived happily ever after’?! See if you can write your own happy ending to this story using such story language. T-E-194-The-Three-Little-Pigs-Sentence-Building-Cards

11.00 – 11.15: Phonics

Have fun completing the crossword and the word search, revising the ‘ee’ and ‘ai’ phonemes. OPSD_worksheets_Word Games_SuperC_Hires OPSD_worksheets_Word Games_Hires

11.15 – 11.30: Break

11.30 – 11.40: Mindfulness. Try this breathing exercise:

11.40 – 12.25: Art and Design

Today we are going to use ICT to create a circle picture (like you did last week with paints or pencil crayons) based on the work of Kandinsky. Here is a reminder of the original artwork:

You may already have drawing software on your computer. If not, here are two different sites you could use: This is totally free. It looks tricky when you first go into it, but if you just use the paint tool and the colour pad you should be okay! It’s good because there is a large range of colours and so you can apply what we learnt last week about different shades and tones. This is the site you will be familiar with. Super easy to use.

Have fun creating your own circles artwork. I look forward to seeing them!

If you want some extra art to do, I would like you to use an iPad or camera to take some pictures of trees either in your garden or when you are on a walk. Getting close ups of the leaves would be great. These pictures will come in handy when we look at types of trees in science. Plus, it’s great experience getting used to taking photos!

Have a super morning! x