Wednesday morning

Firstly I must apologise for the number of posts – I just want to keep people up to speed with where Year 6 are.

I have sent all of the children a link to a microsoft teams meeting for tomorrow morning. They can join this meeting at any time from 8:30 am and it stays open until 4:00 pm. They have this opportunity for the rest of the week.

They do NOT have to join this.

We have practised joining in class but if they have forgotten they will need to type office365 into a search engine then go to outlook and put in their school details as with the password they use. There will be a link to join teams if they wish to be able to see me, their friends and see the board for me to go over any work.

If I think of anymore bits of information that I think you need to know I will be in touch again. Hopefully from your point of view that will be it until tomorrow when the actual work will be posted.

Many thanks for all of your support over the uncertaintly of all of this. I wish I could be more specific but I will just have to see how it goes and adapt if needed.
