Wednesday afternoon 6.5.20

On Wednesday afternoons we do reading skills, computing and the daily mile.

1.30 – 1.50pm: Reading skills

Think about your favourite fairy tale and describe the main character. How do they feel at the beginning of the fairy tale? Do they still feel like this at the end of the story? What has happened to make them change? Did they have a problem at any part of the story, and how was this problem solved?

1.50 – 2.45pm: Computing

Today we are using the computer or iPad to make a comic strip. Have a play about on the Lego Builder site and familiarise yourself with the different features you can use on it. See if you can create your own comic strip using the various backgrounds, characters and speech bubbles. You can add pages too, so you could end up with a whole book, but we will continue working on your comic next week too so there is absolutely no pressure to get it finished today.

2.45pm onward: go for a walk or a run, or enjoy time outside. Don’t forget to take an iPad or camera out with you if you want to take some tree photos!

Enjoy the afternoon. Thank you all for working so hard! Missing you all. x