Wednesday afternoon 3.6.20

Wednesday afternoons involve reading skills, computing and the daily mile.

1.30 – 1.50pm: Reading skills

As we come to the end of our work on fairy tales, I would like you to pick a fairy tale that you know quite well and write a book review about it. It doesn’t have to be a story that you like; in fact, it’s quite interesting to do book reviews on stories you don’t like too much. Here is a template for you to use if you want to: t2-e-054c-book-review-writing-template-lined-version Please don’t feel obligated to do loads of writing though! A really good conversation would suffice if preferred!!

1.50 – 2.45pm: Computing

Today we will start looking at e-safety and how to protect ourselves when we are using the internet. Watch this short video starring Hector the dolphin. I would recommend that adults watch this video with their child. Hector’s World

Have a conversation about people you can trust. Who would be on this list and why? Have you included any people whom you don’t know the names of? Who are these people? Are they people like police officers or doctors? Why is it okay to trust these people? Would you trust a stranger? Why not? You may want to make two lists of people: ‘who I can trust’ and ‘who I cannot trust’.

What do we mean by ‘personal information’? Have a chat about what details this includes (name, date of birth, address etc.). Have a look at the cards and decide whether the different information is okay to share or not okay to share: All About Me Cards

Why is some information not okay to share?

2.45 onward: daily mile/outside fun!

Stay safe in the sun everyone.

Enjoy your afternoon. x