Wednesday afternoon 22.4.20

This afternoon is reading skills, computing and the daily mile.

1.30 – 1.50pm: Reading skills

This morning you read or listened to, ‘On the Ning, Nang, Nong’ by Spike Milligan. Use the poem to draw a picture of what you imagine the Ning, Nang, Nong to look like.

1.50pm – 2.45pm: Computing

This half term we will be looking at comics and then having a go at making our own. Do you have any comics in your house? If you do, have a look through them and see how they are laid out. How are they different to ‘normal’ books? Can you find examples of speech bubbles and thought bubbles? How do these bubbles help to tell a story or give information? What other features are there? If you don’t have any comics at home, then use the following site from Phonics Play where you can read the comics online and practise your reading whilst you learn about the layout (use the ones in Phase 5):

Then draw yourself and a friend having a conversation using speech bubbles.

2.45pm – 3.15pm (and beyond): Daily Mile

Go for a walk or a run, either in your garden or with a family member safely around ‘the block’. Alternatively, you may want to have a go at the circuit training activities you set up yesterday, where you time yourself spending 1 minute on each activity before moving on.

Enjoy the afternoon!

Mrs Garcia x