Wednesday 10th June

Good morning. Wow Wednesday’s seem to come around really quickly.

Well done to the children who were able to spot the differences between facts and opinions yesterday. I was impressed.

Those children completing SATs questions are doing really well. Just a word of warning – the questions get harder as the week progresses so don’t worry if some of the questions are too hard.

For maths we are going to be looking at rounding decimals. To help with this there is a video to watch to start with. Please get the children to do this as it makes the tasks much easier.

After watching the video there is an activity to try with an answer sheet to check working. If different year groups are more appropriate Mrs Garcia kindly put links for these on the school news page.

Bitsize provides our work for English. Today we are going to look at relative clauses. There are three videos to watch which give a lot of examples about relative clauses.

After watching the videos there are some activities that follow. I have downloaded two to make it easier to print out. activity 1          activity 2

Activity 2 is a booklet with LOTS of activities – it is not expected to do all of this. The children can pick and choose what they cover.

For science we are also going to use bitesize. This is to look at reversible and irreversible changes. There are videos and some activities and quizzes.

I am pleased that so many are tackling the SATs questions and so here are some more for today.

Wednesday’s arithmetic

Wednesday’s reasoning

Wednesday’s grammar


Good luck

Mr Morris