Wednesday 8th July

Hi, everyone.

I will be double checking that this post definitely gets published after this morning’s fiasco! Here are our English and maths activities for Wednesday.


Today we will be looking at 3D shapes. First of all, let’s revise what we know about 3D shapes. Use the sheet to match the real life item to the correct shape. Can you find other items around your house that are also these shapes? matching 3D shapes 

This song may help! 3D shape song

Choose one of the 3D shape nets. Use the net to make a model of a real life item. This could be one of the things that you found around the house. You may want to decorate the net first before cutting it out! 3D shape nets

Cut around the black line and assemble it together carefully. You are likely to need an adult to help with this! You may want to make more than one model.

When you have finished, see if you can describe your shape. Do you remember what ‘face’ means? A cube has six faces and they are all squares. How many faces does your model have and what 2D shape are they?


Today we are going to find out more information about a famous artist and complete a factfile about them. Start by listening to this fun story all about Pigasso and Mootisse! Can you work out which famous artists the characters are named after? When Pigasso Met Mootisse

In real life, Picasso and Matisse did know one another and were friends at one point, but they considered themselves to be rivals in the art world! Both artists liked to use shapes in their work. Choose either Picasso and Matisse and do some research to find out a little more about them. Then, use the factfile to write down what you find: artist study

These websites may help:


BBC Bitesize Picasso


Matisse video (there is a lovely activity you may want to try at the end of this video too!)


Art games

On yesterday’s post that got lost, I had put links to fun art activities that you can have a go at on the computer if you are inspired to do more! Here is the address: The children will know this activity from when we looked at African art. There are other options on this site too: snowflake, spiral, rose, mirror, spin, twirl, polygon). Just click on ‘art’ at the top of the page or the different options on the left of the screen.

Have fun! x