Wednesday 6th January

Hello Room 4!

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year, I’m really sad that the term has had to start this way and I can’t see you properly, but I’ve got some exciting activities planned for you to do at home. I’m going to keep our online learning as close to our normal school day as possible, which is as follows:

  • Morning activity
  • Letters and sounds
  • Maths
  • Afternoon activity
  • Story

Every day I will upload our work onto the website with links to worksheets / websites. Please remember that we totally understand how hard it is to get 4 and 5 year olds to spend a whole day working at home, when we are at school we have plenty of breaks for playing inside and outside – so please do this at home too! I do not expect every single activity to be done every single day – just do what you can, when you can. Once the work for the day has been completed, please put the pictures / videos of what you have done on Tapestry for me to see.

Here is our home learning for today.

Morning activity

I would love to know about your Christmas holidays! Please could you draw me a picture of some of the things that you did in the holidays? Or, put a few photos up on Tapestry for me to see. Talk to your grown up about what your favourite things were that you did, and your favourite present that you received.


Letters and Sounds

First of all, can you go through your Phase 2 sound mat (there’s one below if you don’t have yours at home) and see how many sounds you can remember. Then do the same with the tricky words. Don’t worry if you’ve forgotten some over the holidays!

Then, can you use your sound mat to label the pictures below? Under each picture there are 3 boxes – this is called a phoneme frame, one sound goes in each box.

CVC Words to Label

Phase 2 and 3 Sound Mat



This week we are going to start looking at adding numbers together. Last term, we looked at numbers to 10 and we were getting really confident at recognising and writing them. To start off with, can you play on the Gingerbread Man game for 5 minutes to see how well you can remember to count to 10 and recognising the numbers?

After you’ve done that, can you choose 12 of your favourite toys that you can move about. It will have to be something little like 12 pieces of Lego, or 12 beads, or even just 12 little bits of paper. You will also need a dice.

With your grown up, can you take it in turns to roll the dice and count out the right amount of the object you have chosen. Once you have both had a go, count up how many you have all together.

E.g. I roll 3 and count out 3 pieces of Lego. You roll 4 and count out 4 pieces of Lego. Then we put all the Lego together, I have 3, you have 4, together that makes 7! Have as many goes as this as you like. If you want to, you could have a go at writing out the total each time on a piece of paper to see what the biggest number is that you manage to make.


Afternoon activity

This term we are going to be learning all about vehicles. These are things that you can travel in. Have a chat with your grown up and see how many different vehicles you can think of…

After that, can you complete the worksheet below? You will need to sort the vehicles into land, sea, sky and rail – depending on where they work. Can you think of any other vehicles for each section?

If you don’t have a printer, you could always just draw a picture of a vehicle for the land, sea, sky and rail?

Vehicle Sorting Activity



I have put a video of a story on Tapestry for you to watch. You can watch this, or enjoy listening to a grown up reading a story at home.

I hope you have a lovely day, I’m looking forward to seeing what you have all been up to!

Miss Roberts x