Wednesday 3rd March

Good morning everyone.

I hope you had a good day yesterday, it was nice to see a little sunshine in the afternoon.

Let’s warm up our brains. Practise your mental maths and money skills with a little shopping!  Choose ‘Mixed Coins’ to make your brain work even harder!

The Toy Shop Game

Today, in our maths, we are looking at pictograms.  They are a special type of chart where pictures show you the information.  Have a look at this PowerPoint.

Wednesday PowerPoint

Pictogram Sheet

Please can you practise your spellings.  You could take a pot of water and a paintbrush into the garden and write your spellings in water on the path or wall.  They you can watch as they disappear again!

Brain Break time!


For our English today, we are going to play a matching game.  I have looked and looked but there isn’t a fun game to learn about contractions, so enjoy this song instead!



So now you know what a contraction is, have a little look at this PowerPoint.

Contraction PowerPoint

Cut out the words and match the contractions to the whole phrase eg match she will to she’ll.  You may want to match all of the words or, perhaps choose a few to look at first and save the others for another time.

Contraction Match Game

Have a little look at this poem.  It’s called ‘The Sound Keeper’.

The Sound Keeper Poem

Choose questions 1,2, or 3 to answer about the poem.  The Question 3 sheet is the most challenging.

Questions 1

Questions 2

Questions 3

This afternoon is our Science afternoon.  Today we are looking at our local habitats so you might want to get your wellies on!

Local Habitats PowerPoint Wednesday

Wednesday Science Sheet

Have a lovely day today everyone.  Remember, if you are free we will have ‘Show and Tell’ at 2.30, so bring something you’d like to share.

Mrs Pope x