Wednesday 3rd March

Good morning! I hope you are all managing to work as hard as you can in this last week of home learning. You can do it!


Morning activity

I’ve got a challenge for you today – can you use some of your construction toys and see if you can build a tower that’s taller than you? If you don’t have enough to make a tower that’s taller, what is the tallest tower you can make the same height as?


Letters and Sounds

Wednesday 3rd



I hope you’ve all enjoyed learning about capacity so far this week – remember that means how full something is. Today we are going to be moving on and learning about weight – that means how heavy something is.

For your activity today I would like you to sort some of your toys out into a pile of toys that are heavy and a pile of toys that are light.

CHALLENGE – can you find anything in your house that is small but heavy, and anything that is big but light?


Afternoon activity

How are you all feeling about returning to school next week? I’m really excited about seeing you all, but I can understand if some of you are feeling nervous or unsure about coming back.

Grown ups – talk to your child about returning to school and listen to some of their worries, or what they are excited about. Then get your child to draw a picture of something that they are excited for – maybe some of the friends that they have missed or some of the activities they are excited to do again like Forest School or PE.



I will be reading a story via teams at 2.30 today.

There will also be a bonus story session at 9.15 on Thursday for World Book Day. On Thursday – please get the children to pick their favourite book and bring it to the meeting for them to talk about.


Have a brilliant day everyone!

Miss Roberts x