Wednesday 3rd June

Good morning everybody,  I hope you are all well.

Let’s get started shall we?  Here is your morning maths for today, you will need some pencil crayons or felt tip pens.

Morning Maths

Maths: Today we are following White Rose,Year 2 Lesson 3.

Here are the worksheets to use alongside the video.


Mr Morris’s links for year 1 and 3 are still on the School News Page.

English: Again, I’d like you to remind yourself of the story. Watch the video and enjoy.

Today I’d like you to write the part of the story where the little girl picks up the bubbles and begins her magical adventure.  I’d like you to stop when she floats up towards space, we’ll save that for tomorrow.

I’d like you to describe:

  • What happens as she blows the bubbles- what adverbs could you use- gently, carefully, slowly?
  • How the beach and sea suddenly change from grey to bright blue- you could use some fantastic adjectives here- turquoise, azure
  • What it is like under the sea – what adverbs and adjectives could you use to describe the fish?

Make sure you write your paragraph in sentences with capital letters and full stops.  The nags continue even via the internet!!


Please practise your spellings, I have included a word search grid if you fancy turning your spellings into a word search.

wordsearch blank


Have a little look at this reading comprehension about Victorian toys. This will prepare you for tomorrow’s topic work!

Reading comprehension

This afternoon is our science afternoon.  I’d like you to take a good look at the science investigation you set up before half term.  I hope you remember.

We took 4 seeds.

Pot 1: We planted the seed in soil, watered it and put it in a sunny windowsill.

Pot 2: We planted the seed in soil and watered it but put it in a dark place.

Pot 3: We planted in soil an put it in a sunny place but gave it no water.

Pot 4: We planted on tissue paper, put it in a sunny spot and kept it watered.

I’d like you to gather all of your pots together and have a good look at your results.  Please draw what you see.  You can use the grid below or draw a grid on a piece of paper.

Science Grid

What have you found out?

What do seeds need to germinate?

Did any of your results surprise you?

Have a little look at this video, hopefully it explains seed germination very clearly.

Have a lovely day everybody.

Mrs Pope x