Wednesday 3.2.21 Maths Home Learning


Today, we will be continuing to look at subtracting using the expanded method but this time we will be moving on to 3 digit numbers. It is very similar to how we do subtraction using 2 digits except we just have another column to answer. Mrs Davies will be doing a live for lesson if you want to come along but it will be at 11am to avoid clashes with other classes. Below is a PP going through how to set out your work and a few examples to practise. I must apologise for the first example, I kept getting my digits muddled!

Lesson 3 Subtraction 3 digit number Easy

The second PP moves onto when we can’t simply subtract so we must steal from another column. Please watch the examples so you can have an idea on how to do it.  The worksheet itself only looks at taking for the ones column.

lesson 3 subtraction 3 digit numbers stealing examples

Activity – Very similar to Monday’s lesson. You have 6 questions which are fairly easy subtraction questions mainly given for the children to practise setting out the question and working methodically from right to left, followed by 6 tricker ones where you will need to steal. subtracting 3 digit numbers Wednesday worksheet

subtracting 3 digit numbers Wednesday worksheet – ANSWERS