Wednesday 29th April

Good morning everybody,  I hope you are all full of beans and raring to go!

Morning maths.

Today I thought we’d recap our old friend, time!

Please play the game below.  Remember to choose the level that is best suited to you.

Just like yesterday and Monday, we are going to continue with the White Rose Maths..

Today we are on: Week One, Lesson 3, Find a half.

Here are today’s activities.

You are doing an amazing job with this, keep going and let me know if there are any problems.


You have found the features of a report and you have chosen technical vocabulary, which may need explaining to the reader, and put it into a glossary.  However, you may have noticed that the report does not contain an awful lot of detail about Queen Victoria.  I bet you could find out a lot more!

Queen Victoria report

What I would like you to do today and tomorrow is to take some notes.  Have a look at the video and information links below or find some of your own.  Write down any facts about Queen Victoria that you think are going to be important for a report about her long and interesting life.

Remember, whenever you do any searching online, you need to make sure that you have an adult in the room with you and you always add ‘for children’ to the end of your search

Queen Victoria was the first British monarch to be filmed.  If you would like to see what she actually looked like, here is some rather blurry film of her.  See if you can spot her!

Remember, you can take notes in bullet points or in a spider diagram.  You don’t need to write whole sentences but it does need to be neat enough for you to read all of it.  You have 2 days to take notes, so you don’t need to do all of it today.


Find a quiet, warm spot, snuggle up and read a bit more of your reading book.

Please practise your spellings, you could try writing them in your Handwriting Book.


Please have a look at this PowerPoint about seeds and bulbs.

Lesson Presentation Seeds and Bulbs

Then I’d like you to have a go at these sheets. Sheet one is thinking about plant vocabulary and needs.

Activity Sheet Plants and Plant Needs

Sheet two is asking you to predict what will happen to a seed planted with different ways.

Activity Sheet Plant Growth Prediction


I know a lot of you are planting lots of seeds at the moment, you could always try a little investigation of your own.  Plant a seed with light and water.  Plant a second seed without any water, a third without any light and a forth without light or water.  Keep me posted with what you notice.

Have a lovely day everybody.

Mrs Pope x

