Wednesday 27th January

Hi everyone – halfway through the week now!

You may have seen our new Home Learning Policy on the website, on here it states that children in Reception should only be expected to work between 1 and 3 hours a day when they are at home. With that in mind, please do not feel guilty if you only manage to get 1 hour of work done each day! In school we still have plenty of time to play and we certainly aren’t working flat out all day. We quite often get all our work done in the morning and then spend the afternoon, playing, having fun and doing crafts.

So, whatever it is you manage to get done today – well done!! We are all just doing our best in very tricky times.

Morning activity

First, listen to the days of the week song. We have listened to it in school before, but that probably seems like a long time ago now, but see if you can sing along with it. It’s only short so you might want to listen to it a few times.

Then, can you have a go at cutting and sticking the days of the week in the right order?

Days of the Week


Letters and Sounds

Wednesday 27th



Today I would like you to start maths by playing on the Ladybirds game.

You can choose whether you do the counting, matching or ordering game and choose your level. You should be able to have a really good go at all of the different games on here by yourself by now.

Then, I would like you to do a little bit of counting around your house today. So, can you count how many of each object you can see:

  • Chairs
  • Tables
  • Doors
  • Windows
  • Coats
  • Photo frames
  • Beds
  • Toothbrushes
  • Towels
  • Cushions.

Use the sheet below to record your answers if you would like to.

How Many


Afternoon activity

Today I would like you to have a look at the pictures below and choose one or two vehicles to write some sentences about.

So for example, I might choose to write about a hot air balloon. My sentences would be:

‘It is a hot air balloon. It has a basket to carry people.’

Grown ups – remember to let the children sound out as best they can without writing the word for them to copy. Of course, if they choose to write a word which will take a lot of sounding out like ‘submarine’ then it’s fine to write it for them! Just try to let the children use their brains as best they can.

Don’t forget your finger spaces and full stops!

Tomorrow’s activity is going to be exactly the same. When we are in school we wouldn’t do too much writing in one go, but if you are feeling up to it you can always choose three or four vehicles to write about and then have the day off this activity tomorrow!


Have a little listen to this Audiobook today.

Why a Koala Has a Stumpy Tail


Have a fab day everyone and remember to just do your best!

Miss Roberts x