Wednesday 25th March

Today it is English, P.E, Maths and French.


Please continue with your stories. When you have finished writing them, check you have used some fronted adverbials, such as glancing nervously behind me, and that you have remembered the new line, new speaker rule. I have really enjoyed reading the stories some of you have sent me so far. Lots of you are making more adventurous vocabulary decisions! Well done! As I said yesterday, when you have finished your story then please make them into a book, with lots of drawings!


Remember it is still important to exercise, so if you have the chance, try the Joe Wicks exercise routine, that I know some of you are already taking part in.


Please make a poster about all you know about the number 25. Try to challenge yourself!

Also, continue with the adding and subtracting sheets and then the problem solving ones. I put the sheets on our news page last week.

If you have time, please continue with the times table games that you are making. I can’t wait to try them out!


In the afternoon, after you have read for twenty minutes, why don’t you practise counting in French! If you go on BBC Bitesize, to the KS2 French section, and click on numbers, there is a clip showing a playground counting game. You might want to sing along with it or come up with your own counting game!