Wednesday 24th November

Hello everyone!

Please can you practise your spellings and your nativity words.

For our maths today, we are continuing with division and subtraction.  Please can you practise your dividing and multiplying by 10.  We are getting pretty confident with this.

Use hit the button to help you become super speedy with these maths facts.  Make sure you choose times tables- and select x10 and division facts and choose divided by 10 to get the sums you need.

If you are feeling super confident, move on to the 2,3,5 times tables but to begin with stick with the 10 times table.

Hit the Button

This morning we a going to go into the hall to practise our nativity.

For our RE lesson today we are going to be thinking about how we prepare for Christmas.  Have a chat at home about all of the things you do to prepare for Christmas in your house.  Do you have special decorations you get out? Advent calendars? Do you go the church or sing carols? Put up lights?  Do you put a Christmas wreath on your front door?  What do you do? Draw and write about how you prepare for Christmas in your home.

This afternoon is our PE afternoon.  You could wrap up warm and play a game in your garden, do some dancing…



or have a go at this yoga video.



If you have time you could have a look at this reading comprehension all about penguins. Choose the most suitable for you.

Penguins Comprehension 1

Penguins Comprehension 2

I hope you all have a wonderful day.  Let me know how you get on.

Mrs Pope.