Wednesday 24th June

Good morning everyone, I hope you found time to enjoy the sunshine yesterday.  Today looks like another lovely day, get your sun cream and cold drinks ready!

Morning Maths:

Today, I’d like you to think about halving amounts.  There are 3 sheets here.  Number one it the most simple.  You don’t need to do all 3 sheets, just pick out the most suitable for you.  You can share the dots into each half of the ladybird’s shell to help you. Remember, jotting are always OK.


Today we are working on day 3 of our length and measurement unit.

Here are the worksheets to go with the presentation. Monday’s post on our School News page has the year 1 and year 3 lessons and resources.



Today I’d like you to think about past and present tense.  Past tense is when an event happened in the past. For example: Yesterday I drew a picture.  It is the verb – the doing word – that changes.

If it is present tense, we are doing it right now. For example: Mrs Pope is typing.

Remember when we looked at this before and talked about how the ending of the verb changed from ‘ed’ or ‘ing’.  Some verbs are tricky and change completely – swim- swam, sing-sung, draw-drew, ride-rode…can you think of any more?

Have a little look at the presentation and games below on the BBC Bitesize web page.

Now have a go at this game.


I hope you are feeling super confident with this now. Have a go at sorting these words into past and present tense using this chart.


Please can you practise your spellings – now they are finally on the website!

Read some of your reading book in a quiet shady spot.

Then take a few minutes to enjoy this…

Have a wonderful day everyone.  Enjoy all of the sports and games this afternoon.

Keep me posted.

Love from Mrs Pope x