Wednesday 24th June

Hi everyone,


I hope you’re having a great week so far. Here is what we will be up to today.



We have been learning about how to keep healthy this week, so today I would like you to make a poster all about how to be healthy. Eating healthy food and exercising are important, but remember that there are lots of other ways to keep our bodies healthy, such as:

  • Drinking lots of water
  • Brushing your teeth twice a day
  • Having a bath or a shower regularly
  • Putting suncream on and wearing a hat when it’s sunny
  • Not having too much screen time

How many other suggestions can you think of to keep healthy? Draw or write about them on your poster, or maybe draw a picture of yourself doing some of the things to keep yourself healthy.



We are going to do some more work on recognising our numbers to 20 today and it’s a nice easy activity – colour by numbers! Colouring is a great way to relax and keep your mind healthy, in Room 4 we love doing a bit of colouring with some music on to help us concentrate.

Colour by Number to 20


Have a fab day,

Miss Roberts x