Wednesday 24th February, 2021

Today it is English, Maths and Art.


Today, I would like you to plan out your poem based on Joshua Seigal’s I Don’t Like Poetry poem. You will need to think of some similes, metaphors, alliteration and onomatopoeia that you could include in your poem.

The poem begins:

I don’t like similes                                                                                        Every time I try to think of one                                                                          My brains feels like..                                                                                          My eyes feel like….                                                                                         My fingers feel like…..

You might want to add your own similes to describe how your brain, eyes and fingers feel or you might want to choose your own part of the body that hurts when you are trying to think of some similes.

Look at the structure of the poem.

I don’t like poetry

Plan out your similes, metaphors, onomatopoeia and alliteration ideas ready to write your version of the poem. We will start writing it on Thursday.


This half term we are looking at the artist Sandra Silberzweig. Look at some of her artwork and then follow the instructions to draw a face in the style of Sandra Silberzweig.




Today, we are looking at adding numbers with up to four digits using the formal written method of addition.

Look at the PowerPoint and then try some of the challenges on the worksheet below.


BusyAnt_y4_ estimate, calculate and check