Wednesday 24th February

Good morning everyone, I hope you are all having a lovely week so far. Wednesday means we’re halfway through the week, so keep up that amazing work – you can do it!


Morning activity

This morning I would like you to have a go at the shape cutting and sorting activity below to get your brains warmed up and ready for the day!

Shape Sorting


Letters and sounds

Wednesday 24th



Today we are going to continue learning about addition, this time we are going to use a tens frame. A tens frame looks like this.

Can you work out why it is called a tens frame?

Today we are going to fill our tens frame in to complete our addition number sentences. For this activity you will need two coloured pens or pencils. So, look at the first number in your number sentence use your first colour to draw that many circles in your tens frame. Then look at the second number and draw that many circles using your second colour. Then count up how many squares you have coloured in altogether to find your answer. There is an example of how to do this below.

Have a go at completing the number sentences below using this strategy. There are tens frames under each number sentence to complete to work out the answer. If you aren’t able to print the sheet, then maybe draw one tens frame out and use two different coloured objects to work out the answers to the questions instead.

Tens Frame Worksheet


Afternoon activity

We are going to be thinking about different materials today. A material is what something is made of, have a look around you and see if you can name what any of the objects are made of, what do they feel like? What do they look like?

Today I would like you to have a look around your house for some of the following materials. Can you find something:

  • Fluffy
  • Shiny
  • Hard
  • Soft
  • See through (transparent)
  • Scratchy
  • Smooth
  • Bumpy
  • Wrinkly
  • Stretchy 

Have you managed to find all of the items on the list? Was there anything that was particularly tricky to find? And was there anything that fit into two of the categories? For example was there anything that was see through AND smooth? Or something that is bumpy AND shiny?

Don’t forget to put away everything you’ve find once you’ve finished!



I will be reading a story on Teams for you at 2.30 today!