Wednesday 24th February


Good morning Rainforest Rangers! You are finding out more information on the rainforest, today. Please keep all your work safe on the rainforests, as you will be using it when you write your reports, next week.

Today, I would like you to make notes about the rainforest animals from this clip Rainforest animals

There is lots more information here: Rainforest-information-powerpoint too.

You will need to remember the ways to make helpful notes from Monday’s lesson eg scanning for information, skim reading the sentences with key words in and only writing down the key points not full sentences. Use abbreviations (signs and symbols) eg ‘+ for and’ when you write your notes, too.

You can add your notes about the animals to the notes you made on different layers of the Rainforest on Monday, as animals tend to make one layer of the Rainforest, their home. For example, you could add a note about the sloth to the canopy section. Alternatively, you can write a separate section all about animals, it’s up to you, as long as you organise them well. In school, the children who made concept maps (mind maps) will add to those. The children who chose to write in sections under subheadings will add notes about animals on post-its or squares of paper and stick them onto their different sections, if they run out of room.

If we were in school together, I would be giving you books to look at, to find information in. You can look on the internet for extra information if you wish. Find more facts about animals here Rainforest-habitats   or watch this video

Reading comprehension: Please choose the best reading comprehension for you. This is a very interesting theme and may help you with your report next week. Keep the comprehension text safe so that you have it to refer to next week.Deforestation reading comprehension