Wednesday 20th May – English: Metaphors

So, we looked at hyperbole, simile and metaphor on Monday and quite a few people found the metaphor part really challenging. We are going to have a real focus on the concept of metaphor today and see if we can deepen our understanding of what a metaphor is and how it can be used for effect when writing.

First task: watch both the videos below.

Main Task:
1. Sort the sentences in the document below – you can find an editable version on Google classroom or you can print it out from here. Highlight the sentences which you are sure do contain a metaphor.
Metaphor or not!

2. Write some metaphor sentences using the pictures in the document as inspiration.
Write your own metaphor

Challenge: go hunting for more examples of high quality metaphor in poems. You could investigate some of the poems on the Poetry Archive website. Have a look for Kit Wright’s poem – The Sea in the Trees and see if you can spot the metaphor he uses.
Children’s Poetry Archive

If you would like to have more information about metaphor you could listen to this BBC Radio 4 programme – Word of Mouth with Michael Rosen.
This is aimed at adults and the discussion is really challenging but fascinating.