Wednesday 20th January, 2021

Today it is Maths, English and Art.


Today we are looking at finding the area of some 2D shapes. When we are finding the area of a 2D shape we are looking at the amount of space it takes up.

Watch the video and then try the worksheet below.





Please follow the plan you did yesterday and start writing your letter to me about which subject you think we should do more of.

Remember to state your point of view in the first paragraph. Then use firstly to introduce your strongest argument. In addition and furthermore can be used to introduce your other paragraphs. Please put lots of evidence to support your opinion. Remember to use statistics to reinforce and questions to provoke a reaction. If you can, use indeed and besides this to emphasise the point you are making.

I am looking forward to reading them!


Today, I thought it would be lovely to look at the work of the artist, Mondrian. Have a look at his artwork, that is made out of rectangles, and then have a go at one yourself.