Wednesday 20th January

Half way through the week – not that I am counting days!!!!

From comments with those of you in school and those on teams a lot of you are still working on your videos for our journalistic unit. In which case please carry on.

I have been told that you would be able to send me a video through teams or use something called quick. You might have different ways of sending it to me.

Others of you have already started sending in ideas for your stories.

We are going to carry on with these two options until Friday when we will complete a reading comprehension.

When you come to do the science (posted earlier) you might want to choose different materials to dissolve – that will be fine.

I look forward to seeing or hearing from lots of you.

If you read this on Tuesday – Good luck to Shrewsbury tonight.

If you read this Wednesday – I thought Shrewsbury were very unlucky but Southampton are a good team and the league is more important.

(Just call me Nostradamus and if you don’t know who he is you could google it and it WILL be worth a prize)