Wednesday 1st July – Be Proud! (English and Maths)

I can’t believe it is Wednesday already! I am starting to feel really excited every time my email pings and I get to see more of your fantastic work. Thank you so much for staying in touch this week.

Today our theme is Be Proud. We are going to celebrate the being the best we can be and some of the wonderful things that make you unique and precious. Here is a song to set the scene!

Today I would like you to show off your writing skills with a 100 word story challenge. I would like you to write exactly 100 words to tell me about the picture below. Do some writing to be proud of!

If you would like some help to start you thinking about this picture, have a look at the document below. It includes a story starter, a list of questions and other helpful ideas to get your ideas flowing!
Stilt Town – ideas to get you thinking
Stilt Town – My 100 Word Challenge


Today the focus in maths is introducing line graphs. Watch the video (lesson 3, week commencing 29th June) and then complete the White Rose task:
White Rose Home Learning

For more input on line graphs, please work through the BBC Daily Lesson:
BBC Daily Lesson
Extension task: Line Graph Extension

For EVEN MORE input, why not work through this video – Gareth Metcalfe has some fantastic challenges on his website.