Wednesday 1st July

Hi everyone,

Well, can you believe that we are now into July?! It is incredible how fast the year is passing us by. It was lovely to see your work yesterday. Here are our activities for Wednesday.


Today we are going to think about shapes. Have fun watching the song and shout the names of each shape as it comes on the screen: 2D shape song You may know the names of some other shapes too.

Using the sheet of shapes, or by drawing around items you have at home, can you make a shape picture? It can be of anything you like and it can be as complicated as you want it to be. As you make your picture, tell an adult what shape you are using and count the number of sides that it has. The shape sheet is here as a PDF: 2D shape sheet PDF or as a Word document in case you want to play about with the size: 2D shape sheet Word

Here are some examples of pictures you could make:

When you have finished your picture, count up how many of each shape you used. Tell an adult why you chose to use certain shapes for things in your picture too.

Next time when you are out and about, see if you can spot any shapes in the nature around you too. You may like to take some photos of what you find and email them to me!


Yesterday you made some super colour monsters! Use the sheet to either draw your colour monster or to design a brand new monster. Maybe you have made a monster for the maths activity using the 2D shapes. Can you write some words, phrases or sentences about your monster on the lines provided? If you are a confident writer, see if you can include some really fabulous words in your description! Design a monster


When you start in Year 1, one of the first things we will be learning about in science is materials. We will start by looking at things made out of wood, plastic, glass and metal and describe how they feel. You might already know about these materials and can possibly name some more!

Have a look around your house and see if you can find two things made from each of the materials named above. Have a chat with a grown up about how these different things feel. Can you think of some words to describe these textures?

Now, using the sheet, look around your house for items which match each texture and either draw it or write down what you find: texture-hunt-activity-sheet

Have a great day, everyone. x