Wednesday 1st July

Good morning everyone, I cannot believe it is Wednesday already!  I do hope you are enjoying your week as year 2’s.  It is certainly lovely for us to find out more about you and all the things you enjoy.

Let’s get started.  As I’m sure you are aware, we always begin our day with a little morning maths.  Just to get our brains going.  Today we are going to be looking at addition.  To help us, we are going to be using a number line.  Something I know you will be familiar with already.  The sums on the sheet each have a number line next to them.  You can draw on this or use your finger to show your working out. Some of the number sentences have missing numbers. Use your finger or a pencil to count on from the lowest number to the highest number.

Morning Maths

Now that our maths brains are fully warmed up, let’s have a little look at our maths for today.  Today you are looking at money, but it will be recognising bank notes not coins.  Yesterday we said to ask if you could see a selection of coins.  You can try asking the same today but as notes are a lot more valuable than coins, you may not see many different types.  I know if I was asked, I would have no bank notes in my purse to show sadly, so you may have to just stick with the pictures today.

Here is the video link.

Your worksheet is below.

Lesson-3-Recognising-notes (1)

Well done everyone.  Have a little brain break and listen to this story.  It’s one of my favourites.

Yesterday we thought back about what we remembered about being in year 1, all the things we had enjoyed and would remember.The fun we had and the friends we made.

Today we are looking to the future.  What are your hopes for this year? What would you like to get better?  What do you hope this year will be like?   Have a little think and perhaps talk about it with your grown up at home.

You can either complete the sheet below and think about the year ahead…

Hopes for the year

…or you could write a letter to yourself.  In it you could tell you what you are going to get better at, what you are going to try hard to learn, what you are going to practise.  You could then put the letter in a safe place until this time next year.  Then you can open it and see what has changed.

Letter Border

Have fun having a think about what this year will be like, let us know what you are looking forward to and what you would like to get better at.

My email address is:

Find a cosy spot, snuggle up and spend a little time reading your reading book.

This afternoon would be our PE afternoon.  First, to warm up your bodies, have a little go at following this dance video.  It’s lots of fun.  After a couple of times you will be an expert!

Minions Dance

Now you are all warmed up, have a go at this…

We hope you have a lovely day today.  Keep us posted on how you are getting on, it’s great to hear from you and find out a little more about you.

Mrs Pittaway and Mrs Pope x