Wednesday 1st April

Today we have English, P.E, Maths and Art.


Please continue to follow the plan you did on Monday. I am really looking forward to reading your letters to see whether you think gangs should be allowed in our school.

Remember the following points:

  • The point of view is clearly stated in the first sentence.
  • The strongest argument is introduced first.
  • Questions to provoke a reaction.
  • Statistics to reinforce the argument.
  • Use furthermore and in addition to link your ideas.
  • Use indeed and besides this to emphasise a point.
  • In conclusion used to sum up the argument

If you have completed your letter, and checked it through carefully, you might want to continue to research the artist Mondrian, ready to write his biography.


Try the P.E. session with Joe Wicks.


First of all make a poster about what you know about the number 56. After that, say your square numbers and then your 8 times table. Then try lesson three on the white rose maths/ home learning website.


Please continue to look at the artwork by Mondrian. You might want to look at one of his first paintings and try one yourself!

Also, I thought some of you might like to try Mrs Andrew’s Elmer the elephant challenge. Have a look at the school news page to find out more.