Wednesday 13th May

Hello everyone,

I hope you are all doing alright so far this week. Today we will be doing some cooking, maths, letters and sounds and yoga.



Since we have been reading the story of the Gingerbread Man, I wondered if you might like to make your own gingerbread men at home. There is a recipe below for you to follow if you would like. Please do not go out and buy any ingredients for this, if you don’t have anything then either bake something else, or just get the children to help with whatever you might be making for lunch or tea today. We will be writing down an ingredients list tomorrow, so it really doesn’t matter what you make!

Gingerbread Men Recipe



It looks like you all did an amazing job at counting in 10s and recognising the pattern on the 100 square on Monday, well done! Can you have another go at counting in 10s up to 100 please, and then I’d like you to complete the worksheet below. Remember that the first number always goes up in ones, and maybe use your 100 square to help you if you need it.

Counting in 10s cut and stick


Letters and Sounds:

Something a little bit relaxing for Letters and Sounds today, and actually it might be a nice activity for after yoga. Today I would like you to do some colouring, it’s like a colour by number but instead you need to colour by phoneme (sound). Today, please can you just complete the first sheet (j, v, w, x) I couldn’t find a way of just uploading this sheet without all the others, so just this one today please as I’ll probably be suggesting others at another time.

Colour by phoneme



Unless you want to choose your own, maybe have a go at this yoga today.


I hope you all have a lovely day, I’m looking forward to seeing what you get up to!

Miss Roberts x