Wednesday 10th June – English: using commas!

Today we are going to review how we use commas; we are particularly going to focus on commas for clarity.

Can you remember some of the times we use commas?

  • to punctuate a list
  • before closing speech marks (or inverted commas) when a reporting clause is following e.g. “I will be back later,” said Mrs Rowe.
  • a pair of commas can be used as parenthesis e.g. I went to the shop, which was enormous, to buy new pillows.
  • after fronted adverbials e.g. Suddenly, she jumped into the air.
  • to add clarity (to make our meaning absolutely clear) e.g. Let’s eat, Grandma not Let’s eat Grandma!

Can you think of any more?
Work through the video and tasks on BBC Daily Lesson.
Task 1: practice using commas by choosing the level of challenge you think is right for you (there are three different levels in this document – choose the right one for you).
Using commas
Task 2: Watch this video Bog Snorkelling, then complete the task.
Bog Snorkelling