Wednesday 10th June

Hello everyone,

Today we are going to do Maths, Literacy and Forest School.



Following on from what we did yesterday, today I would like you to have a go at the Code-a-pillar app from Fisher Price.

This is a free to download app and you will need to give the caterpillar instructions to help it reach a target. It starts off nice and easy and then gets a bit trickier, but give it a go and see how you get on.



Today can you please continue with your writing from yesterday and complete the last two sections of your butterfly life cycle writing. You could watch the video from Monday again if you need to refresh your memory!


Forest School:

Since we’ve been learning about minibeasts, I thought you might like to make a bug hotel in your garden today! There are some great instructions on how to do this on the RSPB website below. The good thing is that you can just use whatever you have available – plant pots, coffee tins, straw, cardboard, sand, toilet roll tubes etc. We are also going to have a go at making one of these in the Gruffalo Wood in school today!


Have a wonderful day,

Miss Roberts x