Wednesday 10th February, 2021

Today it is English, Maths and Art.


Thank you for planning out your stories.

This is how the Balaclava Story begins:

Tony and Barry both had one. I reckon half the kids in our class had one. But I didn’t. My mum wouldn’t even listen to me.

“You’re not having a balaclava! What do you want a balaclava for in the middle of summer?”

I must have told her about ten times why I wanted a balaclava.

“I want one so I can join the Balaclava Boys.”

‘Go and wash your hands for tea, and don’t be so silly.’

Now follow your plans and begin to write your story.


We are continuing to look at the work of Picasso. Take a look at the images below.

Can you recycle some materials you have at home and make a Picasso inspired piece of artwork?


We are continuing to use multiplication and division to find a fraction of a number. Today, we are looking specifically at tenths and hundredths. Remember Mr Boffey will be going through this at 9am.
