Wednesday 10th February

It’s our Tudor day! I have decided to give you a day off our normal timetable to enjoy the Tudor theme all day!

Our virtual Tudor workshop is happening at 10am today! You should have an invite for this through Teams. It should last just over an hour. Beforehand, in preparation, I would like you to think of some interesting questions to ask our Tudor experts at the end of the workshop. They have a wealth of knowledge about the Tudors so have a think about what you would really like to know. Write them down so that you don’t forget them.

Here are two quick reading comprehension sheets. They may give you some inspiration for your questions, especially a ‘Regal Gathering’…

The Globe Theatre

A Regal Gathering

We are not going to have our 12’o’clock reading today.

I will be posting the resource pack which the Tudor experts have made for you, immediately after the workshop. I’m sure you will enjoy choosing many of the fun activities they have chosen for you. Look out for the post straight after the workshop.

Some more activities, you might like are:

  • Patty Fernandez is an enthusiastic, American artist who has put together a tutorial on how to draw Henry VIII. It’s so easy to follow, just listen carefully to her instructions. tutorial
  • Here is a link on how to make a Tudor house. You can adapt the materials to what you have at home. How to make a Tudor house  or you could try this cut out model: tudor house model This is a short powerpoint on what Tudor houses look like: Tudor Buildings
  • Look at the powerpoint and then design your own Tudor outfit Tudor clothes
  • Last but by no means least, you can read here about Tudor crime and punishments. Not for the faint-hearted! tudor crime and punishment cards

I hope you have fun learning more about the Tudor period today. Choose activities that you enjoy.